Facing menopause? Feeling sleep-deprived, overwhelmed, and grappling with brain fog? At Thrive Over 40, we understand how the demands of work, family, and daily life can weigh you down during this transitional phase. But menopause doesn't mean putting your vibrant life on hold.

I'm Youna Angevin-Castro - an accredited menpause and sleep coach - and I'm dedicated to guiding women like you, who feel they're operating at half-speed, to make empowering lifestyle changes. Together, we'll navigate the challenges of stress, fatigue, and fluctuating hormones. With personalised strategies, you'll rediscover restful nights, clear thinking, and the zest to live your best life. Choose to thrive, not just survive, through perimenopause and menopause.

Email: youna@thriveover40.com

Ph: 0419 352 906

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Ameera Academy


Kallista General Store & Cellars