Positive Memories & Psychological Health

A Honors researcher from Deakin University would like to invite you to participate in a study around positive memories and psychological health.

We are examining how remembering positive experiences is associated with healthy psychological functioning.

The study involves participating in three online sessions lasting 60-90 minutes each. In these sessions you will be guided to recall positive experiences in your life. The findings may help us to understand the role of memory in mental health. In total, the time commitment in completing the induction and surveys about your experiences will be approximately 6 hours.

If you are aged 18+ and interested in participating please email the researcher below. Participants will be provided further information about the study and any associated confidentiality and informed consent provisions prior to commencing the research and have the right to withdraw from the study at any time.

To register interest or ask further questions, please contact Kate on suttonk@deakin.edu.au

Ethics approval number is HEAG-H 82_2020

This is research supported by Deakin University


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