Rachel Lee

Member Spotlight

When you're not being called 'Mum', what name/nickname do you prefer to be called?

Rach, and babe are the names I get. Nothing exciting hahaha. When I was a teenager I got Rachy babe 🤣❤️

What is the best thing about being a mum?              

The quiet little insignificant moments of stillness. The ones where you are sitting hand in hand, you have a minute to just look at the colour of their hair, like really look at it. The moments you can smell their skin and look at the amazing colour of their eyes. That’s my fav. Along with the cuddles, kisses, learning, laughing moments. I adore those little moments of doing nothing and just being truly with them. They fill my heart.

What is the most challenging thing about being a mum?      

Right now the lack of sleep! But it’s also this limbo of who am I? This feeling that the old me has vacated and the new me is arriving. It’s exciting, but it’s scary!

What are you passionate about?         

I am a seeker, of knowledge and spirituality. I adore spending time in meditation, yoga, nature, ritual. I don’t have heaps of time for that these days with two under two but I am practicing doing this differently to include my babies. I also love to learn everything and anything!

What is something that you have done that you are proud of?                               

I could say my masters, my shop, house, quit smoking, bla bla, but what I am really proud of is the relationship my partner and I have cultivated and we grow every day. It’s not perfect because we are not but it’s beautiful. We learn and grow and love and I am super proud of us.

What is your favourite thing to do or places to go to unwind?                       

Absolutely the beach! And to holiday in Bright or Porepunka. I also love nothing more than a full moon ritual ❤️



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